Hoarded House Clearance Case Study In Peterborough:
Hi I am looking for a quote to have my mums six bedroom house cleared in Peterborough.
My mom was a hoarder 100%, she raised 8 children on her own (me being the second youngest) we lived in the property since I was born and before that.
Unfortunately whatever triggered my mom to hoard has been something since I was just a toddler.
Over the years my family had given up on helping my mum with her hoarding problem, because every year they offered their help, and within a couple of weeks my mum turned the house back to the way it was. However, it has got to the point where there’s no electric on the bottom floor due to the extreme amount of clutter.
My mum has now sadly passed away, in order to sell our family home or potentially move in, we need to arrange to have the whole place completely cleared of all clutter, furniture, appliances etc.
Every room in the house is completely filled with junk, among the clutter and rubbish is probably a few hidden valuables, I would appreciate if you could find family photographs for me, and anything valuable that you may come across. Many thanks, Lauren.
Continued near the bottom of this page.
Hoarded Cluttered House Clearance Specialists
Clearing a hoarder’s house? The Cluttered House Clearance Company offer professional compulsive hoarding clearing services in the UK. Specialists in cluttered hoarder house clearance.
Call us now to discuss your situation, let us tell you how our service works.
The Cluttered House Clearance company are fully licensed with the UK environment agency (Environment Agency Waste Carrier License NO #: CBDU284870), we are also members of AFTA.ORG.UK the Anti Fly Tipping Association.
Hoarders House Clearance Service In Scotland
Question: Hi. I am a fire inspector and I am concerned with people who save things (piles of paper, old clothes, rotting food, boxes, etc.). Recently, I went to an apartment which looks like a dump; it’s a big fire hazard. We have to make the tenants clean the place. Could you tell me what … Read more
Hoarders House Clearance Central Scotland
Question: Hi. My roommate, who has been a friend of mine for several years, is exhibiting signs of being a hoarder (piles of newspapers, saving all mail, not being able to sleep in her bed because of having too much random stuff on it). I actually had to move out because it got so bad. … Read more
Hoarders House Clearance Scottish Areas
Question: My daughter is 40 years old and has an IQ of about 49. She keeps everything bought or given to her. There is only a small pathway to her bedroom; barley enough room to pass. It is a fire hazard as well as unhealthy. I cannot get her to get rid of even one … Read more
Hoarders House Clearance Scotland
Question: When I was 12, I went through a period of OCD hoarding symptoms. I kept everything from plastic forks to rotting food and on several occasions raided the garbage in the middle of the night. I was not formally diagnosed, but I got better on the advice my parents received that I needed more … Read more
Hoarders House Clearance South Yorkshire
Question: I have heard it said that the extreme collection of live animals, such as the cliche about the “little old lady with her 50 cats,” is a form of Hoarding OCD. Can anyone address this idea? A relative of mine does this. Answer 1: The accumulation of large numbers of cats or less commonly … Read more
Hoarders House Clearance North Yorkshire
Question: My elderly mother’s house was condemned (hoarding and vermin infestation). She refuses medical treatment or other help. Although we tried to help her, she is now not speaking to us, tells people we have stolen “everything” (which not true). Her health is bad. She is nearly blind from cataracts, but she is very articulate, … Read more
Hoarders House Clearance West Yorkshire
Question: My husband at age 50 has been diagnosed with OCD hoarding. We are at the start of his treatment. He is trying therapy and medications. As the spouse of someone with this, how should I be supportive yet understand that his behavior has taken our family down with him. (We have a garage and … Read more
Hoarders House Clearance Blackpool
Question: Are there health dangers for an elderly person living in a very filthy house? When should a relative intervene to protect the health of an elderly person? Answer 1: It’s hard to give a definitive answer without knowing what is causing the “filth” — if there are rats, cockroaches, etc., that could certainly be … Read more
Hoarders House Clearance East Riding Of Yorkshire
Question: When I search on “hoarding,” most of the questions involve adults living in situations of homes being crowded with newspapers, garbage, etc. There is also little information, in general, about hoarding in some of the OCD books I have. My 9 year old son hoards (or, at the very least, can’t bring himself to … Read more