Question: I’m 15 and I don’t think anything is wrong with me but I read an article in the Seventeen magazine and while reading it I saw something about “hoarders” and some of those things I see in my mother she saves magazine papers, magazines, bills from the stores, coupons, she buys a lot of little figurines, Tupperware, perfume and creams, she likes things done her way I’m having doubts that could be caused by OCD. We recently used The Cluttered House Clearance Company to clear my grandmas house which was extremely hoarded. I am worried my mum is going the same way.
Answer 1: She may have mild OCD, but many people save things like this. If it does not bother her or anyone else and the place is not a disaster area, I would not worry about it. You could talk to her about this if you think it is a problem with her. Best wishes!. Continued near the bottom of this page.
Clearing a hoarder’s house? The Cluttered House Clearance Company offer professional compulsive hoarding clearing services in the UK. Specialists in cluttered hoarder house clearance.
Call us now to discuss your situation, let us tell you how our service works.
The Cluttered House Clearance company are fully licensed with the UK environment agency (Environment Agency Waste Carrier License NO #: CBDU284870), we are also members of AFTA.ORG.UK the Anti Fly Tipping Association
I just want to say a huge thank you to the cluttered house clearance specialists who cleared my great aunts extremely cluttered two bedroom town house in Lancaster last week. The team from Cluttered House Clearance have done an outstanding job, they worked really hard from start to finish. My aunt who was a compulsive hoarder in her day hoarded everything from magazines, clothing to bric a brac.
Answer 2: It is impossible to be sure but your mother could have a problem with OCD or something else. If she is not disturbed by it she is unlikely to do anything to change or seek professional help.
Answer 3: Lots of people have what is sometimes called “subclinical” or “shadow” OCD, meaning they have some of the symptoms, but the symptoms are relatively mild and don’t interfere too much with their life. Also, lots of people collect figurines, and some can get carried away by it. Saving magazines and newspapers or truly useless pieces of paper is more likely to get you labeled as OCD, because there’s less of a “good reason” to save that stuff. Most people I know, including myself, like to have things done “their way” (in my case, it’s because it’s the best, most sensible way). The bottom line is, does it interfere significantly in her life?
FREE Hoarded House Clearance Asset Recovery Service…
Our pre house clearance asset recovery service is 100% FREE. If we find NOTHING in the property then we ourselves expect nothing, no charges, no fees. We only get paid if we locate items of value and of course if you ask us to undertake the actual clearance after the search has been completed.
Please take a minute or two to read our page about our FREE Hoarded Houses Clearance Asset Recovery Service.