Question: Having just discovered that my hoarding/saving is an OCD, I’m immersing myself in the literature & want to start treatment with an experienced BT. I’m not depressed, but have spent years in/out of therapy with non-BT’s. Can you advise (without an actual assessment) if BT alone might be effective (with aggressive goals and compliance)? Mary.
Answer 1: The hoarding type of OCD is less well understood and less well researched then some other types. At this point it looks like medication alone is unlikely to be effective but may help a person comply with treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the only thing that really seems likely to make a difference. This will be hard to find as most therapist are not trained and even those who are may not know much about hoarding. You will need a therapist who is willing to make a home visit or supervise someone doing this part of things. hoarders are often not that motivated to change which makes this problem even more difficult to treat. Continued near the bottom of this page.
Clearing a hoarder’s house? The Cluttered House Clearance Company offer professional compulsive hoarding clearing services in the UK. Specialists in cluttered hoarder house clearance.
Call us now to discuss your situation, let us tell you how our service works.
The Cluttered House Clearance company are fully licensed with the UK environment agency (Environment Agency Waste Carrier License NO #: CBDU284870), we are also members of AFTA.ORG.UK the Anti Fly Tipping Association
I just want to say a huge thank you to the cluttered house clearance specialists who cleared my great aunts extremely cluttered two bedroom town house in Lancaster last week. The team from Cluttered House Clearance have done an outstanding job, they worked really hard from start to finish. My aunt who was a compulsive hoarder in her day hoarded everything from magazines, clothing to bric a brac.
Answer 2: You may wish to consider treatment with both medication and behavior therapy. An example of a behavioral approach would be that with the permission of the behavior therapist, a daily goal of a certain amount of paper be set, for example, three or four shopping bags full, and that the you agree that if you have not accomplished this by the end of the day, then a cooperating friend is authorized to pick the papers to discard (I assume newspapers and magazines and junk mail). Your friend could also be authorized to help you sort mail into discard and respond (e.g. Bills) for a certain number of minutes per day. You should be required by your therapist to stop all subscriptions except 2-4, all newspapers except 1, which must be discarded within 5-7 days of receipt of each copy. You should also try various of the effective anti-OCD drugs, and perhaps some augmenting agents if necessary.
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Our pre house clearance asset recovery service is 100% FREE. If we find NOTHING in the property then we ourselves expect nothing, no charges, no fees. We only get paid if we locate items of value and of course if you ask us to undertake the actual clearance after the search has been completed.
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